Mobile: +39 3397786192


To stimulate interest of students in the discovery of Rome, to teach the younger ones how even the smallest piece of stone can tell us amazing stones, to persuade the adults not to stop believing in the magic hidden between unknown corners and city chaos, we have created guided tours for elementary, middle and high schools.

Our proposal:

THE CITY OF WATER: The City of Water: the monumental fountains, especially the Trevi Fountain, are famous worldwide and one of Rome’s main attraction. Less known are all the legends, curiosities and artworks hidden all around the most famous monuments. And how many archaeological treasures lie underneath the same well known streets? The tour will start by visiting the underground archaeological area of Vicus Caprarius where we will reconstruct the history of Aqua Virgo and the Aqueduct wanted by Agrippa in 19 B.C.

UNDERGROUND ROME: with its millennial stratifications, Rome’s underground is an unique testimony of history in its kind. It’s still exciting both for archaeologists that study it every day than for all the curious one who are willing to know a lot more than just the “famous” sights. Thanks to our experts, the students will get to discover the less known but not less interesting parts of Rome from Trastevere to Campo Marzio, going down the underground area of Titulus Crisogoni, from Foro Boario to via Lata to the Aqua Virgo.

EVEREDAY LIFE IN ANCIENT TIMES: ANCIENT OSTIA: Not far from Rome we can go back in time, leaving the modern city chaos behind to get to experience the chaos of the past; the roads, the splendour of public buildings, the crowded markets, the thermals, the public latrines, along with worship places, commercial activities and the Forum, with its intense political life.

Contact our experienced staff for all the information about the tour, booking and costs!

Tel. +39 3397786192 – Email: